Entry Manager Rev 2.0 on Windows 10 does not start
Newly installed Entry Manager Rev 2.0 on Windows 10 PC or laptop. - When you launch it and select a club the app disappears and seems to not to start. Relaunching it presents club selection screen again but selecting the club from the drop-down the same thing happens.
Please right click the Entry Manager shortcut and click 'Run as Administrator' from the popup menu. You will need to be using a Windows 10 'Administrator' type account to do this. Now select your club to complete the first part of setting up Entry Manager.
You will also need to enter your personal key (see knowledgebase - Personal Key).
In order to download a list of your Club's swimmers into Entry Manager and to import swimmer entry times from Rankings you will need to use a Windows 10 'Administrator' type account (see also - Unable to download swimmers file).